*10 or More Mock Exams
*Over 3.000 questions with immediate feedback
*More than 115 lessons
*Follows the ARRT® exam content specifications
*Interactive activities including flash images and games

We follow the ARRT® specifications with our lessons!
No other company will follow the ARRT® specifications with their lessons like we do.
Every topic is covered. Study ONLY the things you need to know! Compare our outline with the ARRT® Exam content!
Every topic is covered. Study ONLY the things you need to know! Compare our outline with the ARRT® Exam content!
- 1,800 Questions
- 115 + Lessons
- 2 Mock Exams
- Comprehensive Anatomy Review
- Interactive Study Tools
- Option To Renew Monthly
- 1,800 + Questions
- Quiz Builder
- 10 Mock Exams
- Comprehensive Anatomy Review
- Interactive Study Tools
- Coach Diagnostic Tools
- (Find Your Strength and Weakness)
- 3,000+ Questions
- Quiz Builder
- 115 + Lessons
- 10 Mock Exams
- Comprehensive Anatomy Review
- Coach Diagnostic Tools
- (Find Your Strength and Weakness)
- Coach Documents
- (Math Formulas, Factor Charts, Exposure Charts)
- Random Mock
- (Never Take The Same Mock)
- 43 Resume Templates
- RT BOOSTER Modules
- Money Back Guarantee
best value!
- 3,000 + Questions
- Quiz Builder
- 115 + Lessons
- 10 Mock Exams
- Comprehensive Anatomy Review
- Interactive Study Tools
- Coach Diagnostic Tools
- (Find Your Strength and Weakness)
- Coach Documents
- (Math Formulas, Factor Charts, Exposure Charts)
- Random Mock
- (Never take the same mock)
- 43 Resume Templates
- RT BOOSTER Modules
- Money Back Guarantee
What students are saying
X-Ray Coach Testimonials

Comprehensive Anatomy Review
Positioning lessons on every exam listed on the ARRT® registry exam specs. Full review with 100's of images to quiz you on Anatomy.
Positioning lessons on every exam listed on the ARRT® registry exam specs. Full review with 100's of images to quiz you on Anatomy.
Coach Diagnostics
COACH DIAGNOSTIC tools are used to see what areas you need to focus on and where are your strengths! Study specifically in your
weakest areas! .
COACH DIAGNOSTIC tools are used to see what areas you need to focus on and where are your strengths! Study specifically in your
weakest areas! .
RT Booster Modules
BONUS modules that will teach you how to set up and use the C-ARM and tips and tricks for positioning. Modules on how to interview for your first job, how to prepare a resume with only student experience and includes over 43 resume/cover letter templates. ($199 Value) These include 8 already customized for the radiology student! We include FREE radiology adult coloring pages to help relieve stress.
BONUS modules that will teach you how to set up and use the C-ARM and tips and tricks for positioning. Modules on how to interview for your first job, how to prepare a resume with only student experience and includes over 43 resume/cover letter templates. ($199 Value) These include 8 already customized for the radiology student! We include FREE radiology adult coloring pages to help relieve stress.
ARRT® Certification
And Registration Setup
The only company that has video modules set up to match the content categories of the ARRT® specifications.
And Registration Setup
The only company that has video modules set up to match the content categories of the ARRT® specifications.